Ablewell Advice Walsall is an initiative of Central Hall Methodist Church in Walsall.
Our Philosophy:
People centred, putting the client and their needs first.
We provide free, independent, impartial and confidential advice services to residents of Walsall.
We provide specialist advice in relation to Debt and Welfare Benefits. We can also offer generalist advice on a wide range of issues, including housing, employment and consumer law.
Some of the things we can help with include:
Checking what benefits you are entitled to
Form filling
Preparing benefit appeals
Budgeting advice and preparing details of income and expenditure
Advice on all aspects of debt and the possible options to deal with it, including bankruptcy, making offers to creditors and debt management plans.
We have an ‘approved intermediary’ who can submit applications for Debt Relief Orders (an insolvency procedure)
Representing at court and social security tribunals
We are members of AdviceUK, the UK’s largest support network for free, independent advice centres.
Food Bank
We are also a distribution centre for the Black Country Food Bank and can offer support to local people who are experiencing temporary difficulties. To use the Food Bank, you will need to obtain a voucher from one of our partner agencies. See our website for details of where to obtain a voucher and our opening hours.
Job Club
Our Job Club helps Walsall residents look for new or alternative work, training and volunteering opportunities. Participants attend a course of 6-8 sessions covering key skills like searching online databases, writing your CV and preparing for interviews. You would also receive individual support, tailored to your specific needs. We can provide training in basic computer skills and our computer suite is available for public use during our opening hours.
We run regular workshops to provide support with managing money and to help people prepare for the move to Universal Credit.